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Here at our Nursery we are focused on growing
local native species to sell to the public and local Bush regeneration projects.
​Our plants are very affordable, hardy and well adapted to the local area.
If you need to purchase a large amount of plant species, or need to pre order stock for us to grow for a particular project: Please contact stating your request.

General Native Plant Prices
per sized pot
Tubestock $3 Members Price $2
110 -120mm $4 Members Price $3
140mm $6 Members Price $5
200mm $20 Members Price $15
250 - 300mm $30 Members Price $25
Some stock in our nursery might be priced differently to the prices advertised here. They could be priced less or more than advertised depending on if the plant sepcies is on sale, if it is rare, slow growing or a speciality item
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